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Law Blogs Maastricht

Latest blogs

  • Every year in June, several cities in Europe (and in the world) come alive with rainbow colours to celebrate Pride month.  In addition, we vote for new Members of the European Parliament.

  • My dissertation was about the applicability of international children’s (human) rights to children living in Somaliland, an unrecognised state. Moreover, I studied how national laws protect children’s rights in Somaliland.

  • Codification of different areas of law took the stage in the nineteenth-century.[1] The process of scientific revolution – which had started with the Enlightenment and Humanist Movement and was followed by Rationalistic Natural Law Theorizing – led the way to codification.[2] Several jurisdictions...

More blog items
  • The 1st of April 2024 marks the day when Germany adopted the most progressive legal approach to cannabis in Europe. While for the Dutch, this may sound like an April’s fool prank, it is far from it: The new German CanG (Cannabis Law) regulates the consumption, possession, and supply of the soft drug...

  • Every time consumers use online email, stream music or videos or archive pictures on the internet, it is quite likely that they are using cloud computing. Those online pictures, videos or emails are not stored on consumer’s computers. Instead, they are processed and stored on a group of remotely...

    • M-EPLI
    in Law

Upcoming events

  • 12 Jun 13 Jun

    Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation

    The global landscape has seen an uptick in the utilization of international and regional courts, with a broader set of norms and circumstances now subject to adjudication. This pattern raises questions about the reasons behind such recharacterization, the appropriate methods for judicial bodies to...

  • 12 Jun 30 Jun
    14:00 - 15:30

    Globalization & Law Network Seminar Series 2023 - 2024

    The Globalization & Law Network is composed by a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. Invited experts will give a presentation on a specific topic followed by a Q&A...

  • 13 Jun

    Environmental Law Lecture Series

    This lecture series provides a set of important insights from environmental law scholars on how EU environmental law helps to achieve the aim of a high level of environmental protection in the European Union and across the world.

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Our editorial mission

With Law Blogs Maastricht we aim to share our legal expertise, by making our research findings and contributions to topical debates available to a general readership of lawyers and law students, non-lawyers, the press and civil society.

Our Law Blogs Maastricht contributors​
All of our contributors are staff members of Maastricht University Faculty of Law, and they blog in a personal capacity. Would you like to write for us? Email us