Health Inequities and Societal Participation

Our research line Health Inequalities and Societal Participation (HISP) aims to reflect on and to unravel the entanglements of inequities, participation and globalisation in diverse public health practices in public health research and public health governance. Doing so, we aim to contribute to the reduction of global inequities and to stimulate participation in public health to strengthen local and global social ecologies of health.

Research and impact

Health Inequities and Societal Participation are topics as well as research approaches which reflect the focus of our research line on vulnerable populations. We focus on health inequity and societal participation and strive for transdisciplinary research from different critical and reflective perspectives, thereby crossing borders between disciplines, methodologies and approaches. Our research has a high societal impact by unraveling the complex dynamics of health in real-life contexts and we offer sustainable innovative solutions. Our research approaches are always embedded in the local research contexts but we perform on a global level. Our research line is powered by the departments Social Medicine, Medical Microbiology, International Health and Health Ethics and Society.


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Living Labs

Research Line Inequity, Participation and Globalisation participates in the following Living Lab:

Living Lab Public Health Limburg



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Here you can find an overview of staff members connected to the research line Health Inequities and Societal Participation:

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